
Application Development

By developing on the Microsoft Office platform using such tools as Access, Word, Excel, Outlook and SQL Server, we can ensure that your business’ use of desktop applications is optimised. This approach provides a more complete and unified platform for your business to go forward whilst avoiding the cost and complexity of developing truly bespoke or commercial software solutions.

Microsoft Access Database Development

Microsoft Office Access has achieved greater acceptance in the marketplace than any other database product. Microsoft Access databases can save time and meet business requirements for many applications. IT departments can take advantage of Access capabilities by providing support and management of the Microsoft Access database development in their organisations.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)

Visual Basic for Applications is functionally rich and flexible programming language built into most Microsoft Office applications. This allows Microsoft Access database developers and consultants like ourselves to build user-defined functions and automate processes from within your Microsoft Access database application.

Microsoft Office Automation

Many users will be familiar with Microsoft Office tools such as Excel, Word, Access, Outlook and the likes. By utilising the functionality of VBA we can design and develop Office automated solutions that leverage the inter-operability of your Microsoft Access database application and these tools.

Microsoft SQL Server

For those requiring a greater level of security and performance from their database, a Microsoft Access front-end developed with Microsoft SQL Server offers a complete approach to managing, accessing and delivering information across an organisation.


sawyersolutions™ are members of the Microsoft Partner programme based in Guildford, Surrey.